Product CatalogueWine and LiquorWhite WinesChardonnayPetes Pure Chardonnay 750ml Back PETES PURE Petes Pure Chardonnay 750ml Product ID: 87944 Brand: PETES PURE 2025-01-21 View or buy the Chardonnay White Wines - Petes Pure Chardonnay 750ml from PETES PURE to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to White Wines - Chardonnay More Chardonnay and others in our range HARDYS VR CHARDONNAY Stella Bella Chardonnay 750ml BIN ENDS CHARDONNAY Woody Nook Oaked Chardonnay 750ml ANGOVES LONG ROW CHARD SEA CLEANSKIN CHARDONNAY YELLOW TAIL CHARD JACOBS CREEK CHARDONNAY 187ML WOLF BLASS YELLOW LABEL CHARDONNAY De Bortoli Riorret Chardonnay 750ml